How does a pig go to hospital?

In a hambulance.

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How many college girls does it take to change a light bulb?

That's "women," you unfunny jerk!

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Why don't aliens eat clowns?

Because they taste funny!

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Where does the snowman hide his money?

In the snow bank.
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How do you make a rock float?

Put it in a glass with some ice cream and root beer.
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How many guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?

Five. One to change the bulb and eleven to say they could do it faster.

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Where is a rabbit's favorite place to eat?

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What is a cheetahs favorite food?

Fast food

A team of little animals and a team of big animals decided to play football. During the first half of the game, the big animals were winning. But during the second half,a centipede scored so many touchdowns that the little animals won the game. When the game was over, the chipmunk asked the centipede, "Where were you during the first half?" He replied "Putting on my shoes".

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When Susan's boyfriend proposed marriage to her she said: "I love the simple things in life,

but I don't want one of them for my husband".

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What is a tree's favorite drink?

Root beer.

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