How many ``pro-lifers'' does it take to change a light bulb?

6: 2 to screw in the bulb and 4 to testify that it was lit from the moment they began screwing.

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What do you call a cheese factory in the Middle East?

Cheeses of Nazareth.
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I asked the guy sitting next to me if he had any Sodium Hypobromite

He said NaBrO
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How many BMI employees does it take to screw in a light bulb?

They screw millions of bulbs every day, but when it comes to your bulbs, there's no record.

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What does Melania see in Donald Trump?

"Ten billion dollars and high cholesterol!"
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How many engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

First they have to agree on which is better; the analog bulb or a digital bulb.

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What did the drummer get on his I.Q. Test?


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Why don't bears wear shoes?

What's the use, they'd still have bear feet

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Now that Macy's has severed ties, with Donald Trump, how can the average American look like the President?

By hunting and killing their own hair piece.
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What is the best thing to do if you find a gorilla in your bed?

Sleep somewhere else.

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