What breakfast cereal does Frosty the Snowman eat?

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What do you call an elephant in a phone booth?


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How do you make Halloween great again?

By carving a Trumpkin.
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Why was the sand wet?

Because the sea weed
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What is a cheetahs favorite food?

Fast food

A team of little animals and a team of big animals decided to play football. During the first half of the game, the big animals were winning. But during the second half,a centipede scored so many touchdowns that the little animals won the game. When the game was over, the chipmunk asked the centipede, "Where were you during the first half?" He replied "Putting on my shoes".

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Why would an elephant paint its toenails different colors?

To hide in a bag of M&M's.

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What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?

There are skid marks in front of the skunk.
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Why did the calendar write its will?

Its days were numbered.
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Can you use pink,yellow and green in a sentence?

. The phone went green green, and I pinked it up and said yellow.
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