What did the baby corn ask the mother corn?

Where is pop corn?
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How many fatalists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

What does it matter? we're all gonna die anyway.
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What do you call a Disney Princess that supports Donald Trump?

Snow White Supremacist.
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How many Iraqis does it take to screw in a light bulb?

It doesn't matter, they don't have any electricity any more.

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How are elephants and trees alike?

They both have trunks

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How many sopranos does it take to change a light bulb?

Three. One to climb the ladder while the second kicks the ladder out from under her. And the third to say, "I knew that was too high for you dear."

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Earlier this year I saw The Theory of Everything – loved it.

Should've been called Look Who's Hawking, that's my only criticism.
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Two aerials meet on a roof - fall in love - get married.

The ceremony was rubbish - but the reception was brilliant.

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What's the difference between a piano and a tuna?

You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna

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What is the chemical formula for "coffee"?

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