What do a baker and a millionaire have in common?

They are both rolling in the dough!

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Whenever I get to Edinburgh, I'm reminded of the definition of a gentleman.

It's someone who knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn't.
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What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a red car?
A red carnation.
What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a pink car?
A pink car-nation.
What would the country be called if everyone in it lived in their cars?

An in-car-nation.

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What do you call a clown who's in jail?

A silicon.
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Why did the dog cross the road twice?

He was trying to fetch a boomerang

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What do you do when your chair breaks?

Call a chairman.

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Why did the poultry farmer become a school teacher?

So he could grade his eggs.

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What did one tooth say to the other tooth?

The dentist is taking me out tonight.

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What did one cow say to the other?

Mooooooove over

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And how come her cell phone bill was so high?

She was a Roman (roamin) Catholic
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