What do fish take to stay healthy?

Vitamin sea.

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How did Ben Franklin feel after discovering electricity?

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What did Michael Jackson tell the little boy?

"The way you make me feel, it really turns me on!"
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Two chemists go into a restaurant.
The first one says "I think I'll have an H2O."

The second one says "I think I'll have an H2O too" -- and he died.
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How many database people does it take to change a light bulb?

Three: one to write the light bulb removal program, one to write the light bulb insertion program, and one to act as a light bulb administrator to make sure nobody else tries to change the light bulb at the same time.

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What do you get when you cross a duck with a vampire?

Count Quackula!
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What is worse then having one baby screaming?

Two babies screaming!
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The first time I met my wife, I knew she was a keeper.

She was wearing massive gloves.
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