What do you call a Disney Princess that supports Donald Trump?

Snow White Supremacist.
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Kim Kardashian is saddled with a huge arse.

but enough about Kanye West.
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What do an accordion and a lawsuit have in common?

Everyone is relieved when the case is closed.

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How many Development Executives does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two. One to take notes while the other screws it into the faucet.

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Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?

It takes them a long time to swallow their pride.

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Why doesn't Melania Trump want to be the first lady?

Because she would have to move into a smaller house.
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What time is it when 5 dogs chase 1 cat?

Five after one.

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Who did Frankenstein take to the dance?

His "ghoul" friend!
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What do frogs order when they go to a restaurant?

French Flies.

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