What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?

One molar solution.
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Why did the belt go to jail?

It held up a pair of pants.
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What did the flag say to the pole?

Nothing, it just waved.
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Two chemists go into a restaurant.
The first one says "I think I'll have an H2O."

The second one says "I think I'll have an H2O too" -- and he died.
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Went to the paper shop -

it had blown away.

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So I went to the Chinese restaurant and this duck came up to me with a red rose and says "Your eyes sparkle like diamonds".

I said, "Waiter, I asked for a-ROMATIC duck".

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What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?

There are skid marks in front of the skunk.
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What do you get from a cow at the North Pole?

Ice cream.
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Why did the cow cross the road?

Because the chicken was on vacation.

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