What happens when you play Beethoven backwards?

He decomposes.

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Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

Great food, no atmosphere.
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Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball?

Because he had no BODY to go with.
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When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat?

When you're a mouse.
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How many Development Executives does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two. One to take notes while the other screws it into the faucet.

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How did the bubble gum cross the road?

On the bottom of the chicken's foot!

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When should you buy a bird?

When it's going cheep!

Did you hear the one about the crow and the telephone pole?
He wanted to make a long distance caw.

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How do you catch a squirrel?

Climb up a tree and act like a nut

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Where did the music teacher leave her keys?

In the piano!

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What has ears like a cat and a tail like a cat, but is not a cat?

A kitten.

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