What is a ghost's favorite pie?

Booberry pie!
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What kind of underwear to reporters wear?

News briefs.
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What is the quietest kind of a dog?

A hush puppy.

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How many bureaucrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two. One to assure the everything possible is being done while the other screws the bulb into the water faucet.

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How do you keep a skunk from smelling?

Plug its nose.

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How many BBS jokers does it take to tell yet another LBJ?

1,622. One to tell the original joke, and the rest to submit give some minor variation of it! For example:

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How many astronomers does it take to change a light bulb?

None. Astronomers prefer the dark.

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What has a lot of keys but can not open any doors?

A piano.

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Where do sheep get their hair cut?

At the baa-baa shop.

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