What room can you not go into?

A mushroom!
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What did the momma buffalo say to her son before he went to school?


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I just deleted all the German names off my phone.

It’s Hans free.

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Why do loud, obnoxious whistles exist at some factories?

To give us some sort of appreciation for flutes.

Did you hear about that music composer who committed suicide? He didn't even leave a note.

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I just watched a debate as to which cartoons were better- Disney or Warner Bros.

I have to say it got very animated.
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What happened when the butcher backed up into his meat grinder?

he got a little behind in his work.

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What is a pirate's favorite's fish?

A swordfish

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This graveyard looks overcrowded.

People must be dying to get in there.
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Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?

Because his feet stink

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How many archaeologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One team, but they'll label every piece of the old one, mark its location in the room, and write a detailed description before determining that it was used to store cornmeal.

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