Where did the farmer take the pigs on Saturday afternoon?

He took them to a pignic.

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El Chapo has offered $100 million dollars for Trumps body, dead or alive.

I guess that finally answers the question about how much Donald Trump is actually worth.
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How many alto sax players does it take to change a light bulb?

Five: one to handle the bulb and four to contemplate how David Sanborn would've done it.

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I just watched a debate as to which cartoons were better- Disney or Warner Bros.

I have to say it got very animated.
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How many editors of Poor Richard's Almanac does it take to replace a light bulb?

Many hands make light work.

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Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

The chicken wasn't around yet.

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Why do fish live in salt water?

Because pepper makes them sneeze

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What do you call a man with a rubber toe?

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Why do fish live in salt water?

Because pepper makes them sneeze

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