Why can't hippos ride bicycles?

Bike helmets don't fit hippos

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How many Roman Catholics does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two. One to do the screwing, and one to hear the confession.

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How many folk musicians does it take to change a light bulb?

Seven. One to change it and the other six to sing about how good the old one was.
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Why did the skeleton cross the road?

To get to the body shop.
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What do Santa's elves drink?

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What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a red car?
A red carnation.
What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a pink car?
A pink car-nation.
What would the country be called if everyone in it lived in their cars?

An in-car-nation.

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What kind of shoes does a pedophile wear?

White vans.
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