Why can't you say a joke while standing on ice?

Because it might crack up!

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What do you call a dog that likes bubble baths?

A shampoodle

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What is Donald Trumps biggest dilemma now that he's president?

Finding a cabinet position for the thing on his head!
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I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week, phoned her up to arrange a date

but unfortunately she'd popped her clogs.

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What do you get from a cow at the North Pole?

Ice cream.
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What do you call a messy hippo?

A hippopota-mess

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What do basketball players and babies have in common?

They both dribble.
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I asked the guy sitting next to me if he had any Sodium Hypobromite

He said NaBrO
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How many Cabbage Patch dolls does it take to change a light bulb?

The question is irrelevant, since you couldn't find the dolls even if you knew how many. (Note: Well, this was a good joke in 1983-84. . . .)

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What does new age music sound like played backwards?

New age music.

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