Why did God make snakes just before lawyers?

To practice.
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How many database people does it take to change a light bulb?

Three: one to write the light bulb removal program, one to write the light bulb insertion program, and one to act as a light bulb administrator to make sure nobody else tries to change the light bulb at the same time.

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What do you give a pig with a rash?


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What do planets like to read?

Comet books!

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How many WASPs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Silly, WASPs don't screw in a light bulb, they screw in a hot tub.

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What is a cow's favorite place?

The mooseum.

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How many orgy attenders does it take to change a lightbulb?

As many as possible, and don't *ask* what they do with the old bulb.

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What is a horse's favorite sport?

Stable tennis

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How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but it takes six visits.

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What did the farmer call the cow that would not give him any milk?

An udder failure.

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