Why did the cow go to outer space?

To visit the milky way.

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How many folk musicians does it take to change a light bulb?

Seven. One to change it and the other six to sing about how good the old one was.
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What do you call a dinosaur in a car accident?

A tyrannosauraus wreck

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How many skunks does it take to make a big stink?

A phew.

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How do you prevent a Summer cold?

Catch it in the Winter!

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What do you get when you cross a witch with sand?

A sandwich!
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What time is it when an elephant sits on your bed?

Time to get a new bed

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How many music teachers does it take to screw in a light bulb??

None. music teachers can't afford lightbulbs.

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What did the sardine call the submarine?

A can of people.

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