Why did the opera singer go sailing?

Because she wanted to hit the high C's.

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Who did Frankenstein take to the dance?

His "ghoul" friend!
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What did the frog say when he heard "time flies when you are having fun?"

Time is fun when you're having flies

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Why didn't the girl take the bus home?

Because her mom would make her take it back.
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What did one flower say to the other flower?

Hey, bud!
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How many BBS jokers does it take to tell yet another LBJ?

1,622. One to tell the original joke, and the rest to submit give some minor variation of it! For example:

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How does a penguin build it's house?

Igloos it together.
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What has 4 wheels, gives milk, and eats grass.

A cow on a skateboard.

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Someone threw a bottle of omega 3 pills at me

Luckily my injuries were only super fish oil
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